Fractal & Sound Ag Partner to Lower the Cost of Capital for Farmers

We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Sound Agriculture aimed at further reducing the cost of capital and increasing financial flexibility for farmers investing in their soil health. 

Farmers can now receive up to an additional 0.4% discount on their Fractal annual premium when they participate in Sound’s Efficient Acre Incentive Program on Fractal-invested fields. 

What is Sound AG’s Efficient Acre Incentive? 

Sound’s Efficient Acre Incentive pays farmers up to $10 per acre for replacing synthetic nutrients with SOURCE – a foliar-applied microbiome activator designed to help farmers get more nitrogen and phosphorus from their soil. Through the program, farmers will receive $5 per acre for reducing 25 lbs of nitrogen and 25 lbs of phosphorus on SOURCE treated acres.

How is Fractal partnering with Sound Agriculture? 

In addition to the Incentive Program’s direct financial benefits, farmers qualify for a 0.2% discount on their annual premium for reducing 25 lbs of nitrogen and 25 lbs of phosphorus. This discount equates to up to $40/acre discount on Fractal-invested fields valued at $10,000/acre.

Why is Fractal partnering with Sound Agriculture? 

Fractal fundamentally believes that farmers who treat their soil like an asset and steward the land should have access to a lower cost of capital. Investing in soil health increases yield resilience, which reduces financial risk for farmland investors. Together, these two incentives offer a great opportunity for farmers to protect their cash positions, improve margins, and access capital – all while making more efficient use of their resources. 

Where can I learn more? 

Farmers can learn more about Sound’s Efficient Acre Incentive here. Acres are limited. Please reach out to your Fractal Capital Advisor if you are interested in participating in this program for the 2025 season.